Gerrard Etc.

House of Chaos: The Publication

Welcome to House of Chaos: The Publication.

Selected pages from a diaristic archive that navigate, reflect and explore identity and the human experience. Displayed are  implusive responses to, and creative interpretations of, the past and present. Each ‘page’ was composed in the moment with no one ‘page’ the same as any other. Mistakes are celebrated as part of the creative process and not dismissed as failures. Themes of suicide, depression, love/sex, friendship, drugs and violence are all explored.

Details:  A4 lightbox displaying 23 (35mm) projector slides .

This work was featured in Page Space: Publication as Exhibition (15th-22nd December, 2023) at the Stanley Picker Gallery
in Kingston-Upon-Thames. In association with Folium Publishing.


House of Chaos: The Pages

These 23 pages selected for House of Chaos: The Publication were taken from Gerrard’s 2022/23 (Level 5) work entitled House of Chaos, an 83-page binder of found objects, drawings, pictures and internal thoughts. The chosen pages were scanned and made into 35mm projector slides.

The following 19 pages are:

- Am I Doing This Right?
- Feminism Because Why Not
- Mum and Dad I’m Sorry
- Don’t Blame Them
- WTF America
- Am I Safe At Night?
- What Is Success?
- Society and I Don’t Speak
- Are You Still There?
- Fuck You To My Ex Lovers
- Dissertation Confusion
- Depressed Thoughts
- The First Pair of Boobs I Saw
- Sex Was Self Harm
- Pump Me Full of Drugs
- Look I Made It On The Fridge
- Only Her Assets Matter
- Am I Wasting My Money?
- Kiss Marks On Text
All are A5 notebook-size dimensions.

Also included are:  
- Fly in Bag (20 x 20cm)
- Niel Pt. 1 and Niel Pt. 2 (10 x 16cm)
- For A Good Time Call (23 x 7.5cm) 


This website and its content is the copyright of Gerrard Etc.- ©Gerrard Etc. 2024. All rights reserved.