Gerrard Etc.

Flesh of a Female: The Video 


Video duration: 5 minutes 45 seconds

This project was supported by:

Sebastian L. Davies (Videographer)   
︎ @_sebastiandavies

Nicole L. Frisby (Video & Sound editor)
︎  @nicolefrisby

Gerrard’s short film will be exhibited as part of an online exhibition run by the Stanley Picker Gallery.

The exhibtion, Fine Art Video Shorts, celebrates video-based artworks made by BA and MA Fine Art students from Kingston School of Art.

Flesh of a Female is a short video that features a live performance by Gerrard.

In the film, Gerrard wears a latex, rabbit mask to transform herself into a being she refers to as “The Creature”.
The film follows “The Creature” as it undergoes the transition from girlhood into womanhood. The narrative tackles society and the media’s interference with female adolescence, encouraging young girls to grow up too fast. Meat, slaughter and consumption are used in Gerrard’s reflection of her own adolescence, specifically the way others took advantage of her body.


This video contains mature themes, nudity, and strobe lighting, that may not be suitable for some   audiences.

©Gerrard Etc. 2024    

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